Prophecy4f is a Monte Carlo integrator for Higgs decays H → WW/ZZ → 4 fermions
It includes:
all four-fermion final states
NLO QCD and electroweak corrections
all interferences at LO and NLO
effects beyond NLO from heavy-Higgs effects
alternatively an Improved Born Approximation (IBA) with leading effects of the corrections
production of unweighted events for leptonic final states
full NLO corrections in Standard Model (SM) extensions:
SM with a 4th fermion generation (w/ or w/o leading two-loop improvements)
Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (THDM)
Higgs Singlet Extension of the SM (SESM)
What is not included / planned upgrades:
multi-photon final-state radiation
interface to parton showers
anomalous HWW and HZZ couplings
production of unweighted events for semi-leptonic and hadronic final states
(at present unweighted events only for Born and IBA for these channels)
If you use Prophecy4f for a publication, please cite all the references listed here.